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Are you an exercise addict?

DO you find yourself guilty or anxious when you have missed out even a single work out or do you prefer to spend time in the gym rather than with friends? Is your gym time dictating your personal life? If the answer is yes, then you are definitely an exercise addict and may need professional help.

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Did you know that over exercising could be as damaging as not exercising at all and could be bad for mental health? People who over-do the fitness schedule can be doing themselves more harm than good. People with this disorder exercise for 3-4 hours a day for five days a week and are on the point of collapsing by the weekend.

How do find out if you are a fitness addict? When exercise becomes the ‘organising principle’ in the your life at the expense of non exercise activities – relationships, family, work etc and if you have become devious, defensive and secretive in pursuing/increasing exercise opportunities, then this is an indication of going too far and a warning to put to stop to it according to the website Addictions.

The main difference between healthy exercise habits and people who are exercise dependent is how activity fits into their life. If they put workouts ahead of friends, homework and other responsibilities they could be developing a dependence on exercise

says Diane Whiteoak, manager of the Huntercombe Hospital who treats exercise addicts.

Compulsive exercisers work out as they feel obligated rather then enjoying the regime and can also damage tendons, ligaments, bones, cartilage and joints in the process. Fitness addicts should be seeking professional help so that they lead a healthy and a balanced life.



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