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Can’t get it off?: 5 Common diet mistakes men make

Fitness Guide

The list of dieters may have men on a lower count than the women. But weight loss seems an issue equally disturbing for both the genders. When working at weight loss, you may have tried your skills at the meal replacement shakes, nutrition bars, health club(s), or any other alternative. But on several occasions, it is found that your belly shows up even after having put in a lot of efforts. Are you making any of the diet mistakes?

Common diet mistakes men make

It has been observed that diet has a significant role in weight loss as it works internally. Exercising is one important aspect but it essentially needs to be accompanied by appropriate diet. Here, you find five common diet mistakes men make, upsetting their efforts towards gaining a healthy lifestyle.

1. Taking in more than giving out

You may be working regularly to remove the calories off your body, but it needs to be accompanied by a regulated intake of food. Consuming more than burning can produce negative effects or render all your efforts ineffective. As experts advice, in order to lose weight, check what is going inside the mouth. Simply exercising may not work when you are eating too heavily.

Many of the food items consumed are fast food. There is great possibility that food are packed with excessive amounts of sugar, salt and fat. Food is meant to keep you active and strong, not burden the belly. It is usually suggested to consume a little less than your actual hunger pangs want.

2. Count the liquid calories

It is not only food which you eat, but also the liquid which is consumed. While liquid, especially water, intake is essential for metabolism, there should be a demarcation between what is required and what is not. Surprisingly, an 8-ounce serving of soda or juice is 100 calories or more.

Read the labels. It is not good flooding yourself with calories. Make choices consciously. If you want to consume milk, think of the low-fat options instead of just sipping on any type. The specific types of fluids have the advantage of keeping the extra calories at bay, without compromising on the nutritional aspect. Whole milk may not be your choice, but water should be.

Alcohol is a deception. It can possibly alleviate hunger pangs. Be better warned and keep alcohol away!

3. Large sized meals are not compulsory

Being a man does not entitle you to eat heavily. If you can control the portion size, you can control the gut as well. Instead of eating more, concentrate on eating right. Choosing a healthy (not heavy) diet can lead you to a healthier lifestyle.

Gorging is obvious when you are excessively hungry. Expert suggestion is that the three meals should serve around 700 calories each. Your good day meal can have a cup of oats (with a cup of blueberries and some walnuts) as the breakfast. You can opt for 4-5 ounces of protein intake (may be through fish), whole grain and some vegetables.

Snacks are great culprits. Avoid the chips or cookies and opt for an apple instead. Processed food items, though temping, can potentially increase weight because they have high contents of sugar and fat. Keep way from steaks and potatoes.

4. Eating under stress

Chronic stress can result in cortisol release, making weight loss difficult. Unwanted cortisol can be stored as fat mostly in the abdominal area to be use later for energy.

Stress significantly affects how you think and can turn down the benefits of even a healthy menu. While having your meal, leave all your worries and plans for the day aside. Engaging in endless thoughts would hardly leave any mental energy to compose a healthy menu. Besides, you are more likely to turn to sweet or fatty foods.

It is a good idea to adopt some stress busters. Stress may not be completely eliminated. But by handling it appropriately, you can considerably enhance your lifestyle.

5. Eating irregularly

Eating lesser meals or starving does not ensure that you are losing weight. Men are eager to skip the breakfast so often without realizing the significant impact, rather harmful impact. The body already undergoes a sort of starvation while your sleep. Besides, you skip the breakfast. During the duration, the body starts its storage mechanism (as fat to be used later).

Bringing small changes, like spending 5-10 minutes on your breakfast, can boost up your entire day. When the hunger pangs are overwhelming, it is obvious to pick up anything handy and start gobbling. Eat according to your body’s natural rhythm. The body is supposed to have its regular doses throughout the day.

An expert suggestion points towards deriving prudent ways to avoid the mistakes of dieting. While you can have a piece of grilled fish as part of a healthy menu, the sauce or marinade can be upsetting. Make simple changes to have considerably impacts.

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