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400 calorie diet


400 Calorie Diet has taken over most of the weight loss diets. The diet has been designed by health experts who have immense experience in the health and nutrition field. The diet has gained rapid popularity because numerous individuals around the globe have benefited from it in the recent times.

400 Calorie Diet

The diet guides an individual to consume 4 meals daily. Each meal is supposed to contain no more than 400 calories. In this way, the dieter is expected to lose up to 11 pounds in 2 weeks. The diet makes sure that you are able to enjoy your favorite meals and still lose weight.

Here are the 3 main types of foods to include in this diet:

  • Fried beef and broccoli = 410 calories
  • Rice, scallops, shrimps and sausage = 360 calories
  • Carrots, onions and roasted potatoes = 420 calories

The diet has several advantages and few disadvantages. The best part is that 400 Calorie Diet does not limit your range of foods to select from. All you have to do is to limit your calorie intake.

Most people find it difficult to restrict the amount of calorie intake to 400 calories per meal. You can see the labels of food products to keep a check on whether you are consuming low calorie food products or not.

The diet is not flexible but it is health oriented. Just like every other diet, success factor depends on the effort of dieter while being on this diet. You must incorporate exercise in your daily life to get rid of excessive fat content from your body. You can’t go wrong if you stay within the guidelines of this diet.

You must depend on consuming more and more vegetables. Eat fresh veggies rather than packed vegetables. Same is the case with fruits. Eat plain fruits or drink fresh juice daily. Salads are extremely beneficial to consume.

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