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Younghwa Lee’s door promise to save lives in case of earthquake

younghwa lee door

Natural calamities like earthquakes does not inform us before they come, they are just so unpredictable. The only thing we can take care of is some preventive measures. It is said that in case of an earthquake, doorways are the best place to take shelter, provided the doorway is strong enough to bear the catastrophe. So, designer Younghwa Lee has designed a door that assures to provide shelter and save lives in case of earth jolt. The door pivots horizontally within its frame where one can take shelter under it.

The door is also capable of folding horizontally in the middle, and the bottom part is supported against the floor. The door is designed to adjust in such an angle that in case of calamity the stuff will slide off the door rather that collection on top. Adding to its good quality, there is also a small cabinet built into the door frame featuring wind-up flashlight, containers of drinking water, and medical supplies. The idea is pretty impressive and is a defensive measure that can be easily installed in homes.

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younghwa lee door2

Via: Gizmag

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