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World under threat of Global warming

World under threat of Global warming

With climate change and global warming hovering on our heads, the scientists all over the world forecast a grim future for life on earth. Warming will place us at a greater risk of food and water shortages and threaten the survival of thousands of species of plants and animals. The worst affected, however, will be the poorest of the poor.

The report, issued in Brussels by the IPCC, pointed out that human activity is the basic reason behind the warming and it is taking a toll on the natural systems on all continents. The result will be a discernible influence on many physical and biological systems.

Global warming will give rise to a spell of floods, droughts, heat waves and storms. The IPCC report warns that a temperature rise of 1.5C-2.5C would mean “20%-30% of plant and animal species at increased risk of extinction. And if it goes beyond 4C, it would bring “major extinctions around the globe”. Coral reefs, boreal forests and alpine ecosystems could also be damaged irreversibly.

Few cold areas will get warmed and certain warmer areas will get colder. For example, the Arctic, which is the coldest now, will face an increased spurt in temperature and ice melting. Whereas, wet areas such as the tropics and high latitudes will get 10%-40% wetter. Dry and drought affected areas such as sub-Saharan Africa will face drought and get 10%-30% drier. On the other hand, areas like the Asian sub-continent, home to nearly half of the world’s population, are at greater risk of flooding. On the food front, some crop yields, such as cereals, could initially increase at mid to high latitudes, but start to decrease in some areas once temperatures climb by more than 3C.
There are no winners from the impacts of climate change. All will be losers. No country is immune. Each and every place on the earth is vulnerable to warming, that is why it is Global warming. Therefore, all countries need to work urgently to agree a global deal to combat climate change. Reducing carbon emissions and cutting down on the green house gases will do only little. Bio- fuels will help. But, overall Planning for the future must begin soon. It is now or never.


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