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Off-Shore Wind Power brings the renewable energy revolution

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To decrease fossil fuel dependency, many countries are trying to increase their renewable energy dependence. With respect to wind power, on shore wind has always been a convenient option, consisting of turbines on land. Individual turbines or windmills are used to provide energy to isolated locations, to draw water or to grind, whereas wind turbines are used to generate electricity.

Lead by Denmark and followed by UK, China, US and South Korea, the off-shore concept of renewable energy might be the next big revolution. It is cost effective and also generates more power than its counterpart. Countries like these have till now been leading as the world’s largest energy consumers, but if they put off-shore wind energy into practice, they can be producing enough energy to drive their own nation and others. Off-shore wind power uses turbines placed in the sea or ocean. It does not raise land conflicts, is efficient, and does not even seem to have lasting effects on the marine environment. Though some part of the seafloor will be damaged, harming marine life; according to scientists, the damage will be sustainable.

Wind generation is an extraordinary event, the difference in heating of the earth at the poles and at the equator generates movement of elements in the atmosphere. We can feel these strong winds, their speed and capacity at high altitudes; the same are responsible for the cooler climate of these areas. All of this sounds interesting, but certain reports also suggest that wind power has increased in recent years – globally; one has to wonder whether this can be the cause of increasing incidences of storms and the simultaneous increase in warming of the earth.

Source: ENN/Image

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