Best ways to get pregnant

ways to get pregnant

For a major chunk of women, conceiving is all about leading and living a whole new chapter of their lives. The news of pregnancy, for married couples, arrives as a fresh gush of monsoon wind that promises to bring in showers of happiness. Often, women have been heard complaining of delay in conceiving, something that happens due to technically incorrect practices. In this write up, we will try to provide a brief overview on some of the best methods to get pregnant. Let’s have a look.

Having intercourse thrice a week

It’s widely believed that regular sexual activity, holds the key to faster pregnancy. Usually, couples commit the ‘mistake’ of not indulging into sexual activity, when the female partner is undergoing ovulation stage. Though difficult to come to a convincing conclusion, even against a pre determined ovulation period, women tend to miss ovulation on the account of changing hormonal activities within their body. Therefore having intercourse thrice a week might also help her in conceiving, in case it collides with her ovulation period.

Using ovulation pregnancy kit or fertility monitor

Women can try out the ovulation kit in order to get a rough idea of their ovulation period. Once figured out, they can go for intercourse accordingly. These kits usually work by reading out the LH surges before ovulation commences. Ovulation kits are easy to use and usually score high in generating an accurate prediction. The Clear Blue Easy Monitor is one such kit that reveals the best time of conceiving and is pretty worth of investing upon.

Having sex before ovulation

At times, couples get confused about the best time to indulge in intercourse in relation to ovulation. But there is always a small window each month to get pregnant and that’s considered to be the best time for conceiving. When a woman ovulates, the egg survives approximately for 24 hours while the sperm survives up to three to five days. That’s why it’s believed having sex two to three days before ovulation increases the chances of pregnancy. Women should not wait till ovulation to have intercourse, since her partner’s sperm is going to live longer than her egg and that’s a fertile period to conceive.

Not relying on dates to calculate ovulation

Generally, couples go for intercourse around the fourteenth day of the woman’s ovulation cycle. This is heavily based on the calendar method and makes one assume, they are having a 28 day cycle and would ovulate mid way. However, this method is highly inaccurate as mostly women don’t ovulate on the fourteenth day. That’s why, ovulation kits are considered to be far more dependable in chalking out the exact and most appropriate date to have intercourse.

Stop relying on fertility chart to predict ovulation

Even though fertility charting is considered to be quite good in tracking down ovulation cycle, it’s also advisable to take a note on the regular period of ovulation. It’s recommended mainly to take a note, if there is a sequence of regularity. However, if you are going to conceive for the very first time, and you don’t ovulate according to your calculated chart, an ovulation prediction kit would be highly helpful.

Have a word with the doctor

Always make sure, you have a sound health and keep on checking yourself regularly to keep an account of your health details. Many a times, untreated infections, sexually transmitted disease, poor health conditions might prove to be an obstacle to your chances of getting pregnant. Be in a constant touch with the doctor to make sure your body is healthy from its core to conceive.

Give up alcohol and smoking

Though it sounds pretty naïve as a suggestion yet its enormously significant. For women who have a habit of puffing and boozing, might be subjected to adverse health conditions, hamper the fertility as well. In fact, the embryo inside stands on the brink of unprecedented threat rather mother. Therefore it’s highly essential to give up drugs, smoking and alcohol before getting pregnant as well as during pregnancy.

Have an enjoyable and pleasant intercourse

For several couples, sex no longer remains an activity of pleasure or enjoyment, rather gets reduced into a responsibility or a duty of reproducing children. When passion runs out of the closet, it brings in a psychological impact. How eager a woman feel from within to get intimate with her partner also plays a significant role in successful conceiving. Researchers and experts believe sex that ends up in orgasm enhances a women’s chances of getting pregnant manifold, since the spasmic movements of orgasm helps pulling the sperm closer to uterus and also increases a man’s sperm count.

Trying out various sex position helps

It’s widely believed that the missionary position is best to get pregnant and women getting on top should be completely avoided. It’s mainly because gravity would drain out the sperm instead of depositing it inside vagina. Placing a pillow below hips help pelvis in tilting and stores the sperm better. Also, the woman should not get up immediately after intercourse. Lying down for a longer time allows the sperm to flow better and deeper.

Keep it simple

Getting pregnant is definitely not a herculean task. Therefore, keep the entire approach quite simple and have a casual outlook towards sex. Keeping the spark alive plays an instrumental role in getting pregnant however. If the woman is not conceiving after repeated attempts, one should immediately consult the doctor and undergo medications, if necessary.

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