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Ways to Keep Your Driveway Protect Throughout the Year

Keep Your Driveway Protect Throughout the Year

Maintained and well-kept driveways not only affect the outer appearance of your house, but also enhance the value of it too. We all know that asphalt has a lifespan and that salt, leaking vehicle fluids and water can result in softening, cracking, and fading of driveways in due course of time. At times, the best option is to seal your driveway to prevent these issues; however, many people are wary, as they have heard so much about contractors and unruly ways.

Tips for purchasing the sealant

  • Remember that you can either call in for professional help for sealing your concrete driveway or even do it yourself
  • There is a variety of fillers and sealants that vary in terms of longevity and quality
  • The sealant should be reapplied once you notice the fading colour and small cracks
  • If your driveway is crumbling away or has major cracks, then repaving is the only option and just sealants will not work.

Tips before You Start Applying the Sealant

Find the trouble areas

Homeowners must have a good inspection of their entire driveway to make note of all the cracks, potholes, crumbling areas, and stains.

Get Rid of the Stains

If you find greasy or oily stains, then first get rid of them by using hot soapy solution and a scrub brush with stiff bristles. If that does not work, then you can use a degreaser.

Fill the Cracks

Many driveways suffer from cracks that need repair before applying the sealant. Make sure that you fill all the cracks including the smallest ones, as they will expand in no time. There are many products available, such as preformed rolls, liquid squeeze bottles etc, depending upon the size of the crack, for your rescue. Before doing so, get rid of the waste matter inside the crack.

Patch Up the Potholes

If the cracks have given way to potholes, you would need a blacktop patch that is basically ready to use asphalt which comes in a bag. First, get rid of the waste inside the pothole and then apply the blacktop patch. Repeat until you overfill the hole a bit. Then drive over it until the level matches that of the driveway. If the patch sinks, then add one more layer. Give the patch one day to settle in.

Applying the Sealant

Before applying, check out the weather, as you would require some dry sunny weather, at least for a couple of days, after application, so that it can settle in and dry appropriately. There are various sealers available, out of which the most cost effective are the tar-emulsion sealers. However, asphalt-emulsion sealers are more popular. They cost more but are a great way of resisting oiling stains and water. The advanced latex-acrylic sealers are long lasting, quicker to dry and are less prone to fading but they are a bit expensive. However, the most expensive are the industrial liquid rubber with titanium that cost more than $500 per 5 gallons. Follow the application instructions given on the sealants. Use the tools and methods given in the application instructions. In addition, do keep heed of the manufacturer’s recommendations.


Having a well-kept asphalt driveway is truly a major investment and it is therefore all the more important to maintain it. You need to put in some time to seal and patch up the cracks to extend the life of the asphalt. If you need to restore asphalt, then do so before the cold sets in. Maintaining your driveway is a very easy job and you can do it without any professional help whatsoever.

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