Wallets that shatter the norm and impress with creativity

The mattress wallet

It’s at the payment desk when you take out your wallet, people notice how creative or boring the wallet is. You probably might have been looking for an alternate for your regular boring wallet; here are a few suggestions.

Titanium wallet

Hey you tough guy, we have got a tough wallet for you. The tag line of this wallet manufacturer, Gary Scott USA, should sound something like that. The specifications of this wallet read, “Military Specification Extruded Aluminum Piano Hinge” and “Military Specification Aluminum Rivets.” This wallet would be too hard to destroy. You can buy this wallet in polished or brushed finish. Inside there is a protective card holder on one side, and a riveted money clip on the other.

Tape wallet

These are small pouches with a zip, on the inside. On the exterior, there is a shell of an audio tape glued on to it. Though an audio cassette is an obsolete media, it can be used in creating designer articles, like these wallets. You can choose between white and black color for this audiocassette wallet.

Nokia X70 wallet

This is probably the most technically advanced wallet you would come across. It’s a phone and a wallet, that would secure your money and credit cards. The phone in the X70 is a smart phone and not an ordinary one.

You have Bluetooth, WiFi, front and rear cameras, dual Led flash, a touch screen, QWERTY keyboard, 8GB internal memory in the phone. The wallet has a cool music player to give you aural pleasure. You can just pull out your wallet and makes calls and text your friends.

Lego wallet

You would definitely love this wallet if you don’t want to come out of the Lego world. Being in your own world is wonderful, simply because you make the rules. The Lego wallets are colorful, as expected, and durable too. The bricks are glued to each other so that it just doesn’t open up and spill your things. These wallets come with a white zip and some extra Lego pieces so that you can add something of your own.

The mattress wallet

The mattress wallet

The name of the wallet itself explains its uniqueness. The wallet is soft and comfortable, made out of mattress material. You would be very comfortable with this wallet, if you have a habit of keeping it in the rear pocket. The manufacturer packs the wallet in an interesting packaging, with fun phrases related to the financial world.

Reading about these creative wallets you may be tempted to throw away your old wallet and get one of these. Just remember to take out the cash and the cards for it.

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