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China: Urgent steps required to prevent climate change

Urgent steps required to prevent climate change

China is very much concerned about the climate change. It is expected that global warming may lead to extreme situations in the country, turning the upside down and vice-versa. Pollution of air and water is likely to occur very soon. It could dry up rivers of the north and cause flood in the south. China is number one in the emission of CO2, however, on a per person basis it produces far less than many developed countries. But we can’t ignore that China is one among the nations having fast-growing industrialization. So we can guess how rapidly China is getting polluted, and how dangerous it can be if not ckecked soon. In a recently held meeting, the Chinese President Hu Jinato said that the developed countries should take initiatives to minimize the climate change. These countries should also provide financial and technical help to the developing countrues in dealing with theproblem.

Rainfall, flood and earthquake have already destroyed a lot in the China. 200 people were killed in flood few months back. Earthquake in Sichuan province took away 80,000 lives, leaving millions to strive as homeless. Tropical storm and floodwater have been very devastating in places like Guangzhou and Jiangxi and Baiyun district and many such places. Even unusual rainfall in a regular basis has claimed many lives in different places. But we should not forget that the actual data is always much more than the recorded or revealed data.

Next G-8 meeting is going to be held in Hokkaido. Global warming would be of prime importance in this meeting and we hope that some sort of action must be taken by the cooperation of all these big nations. The matter is something, that is related to all the human beings, animals and plants living on this earth. We have no time to waste in taking decision, in fact we have little time left to do anything. The question is how soon we can make some changes. All the big nations should sincerely try to reduce the Carbon emission. Recycling of resources, increasing forest coverage, optimizing energy use and finding out water resources scientifically will help us to bring some positive changes.

China calls for the help of other nations to cooperate her in fighting out the global warming. Even if we can’t control the situation anyway, we hope to hold it from being getting worst.

Source: reuters

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