Life is full of surprises, and though rarely, you see people coming out of tight circumstances with flying colors. Often thanks to some weird and unlikely coincidence. Read on to know what happened to these people that changed their lives forever.
Denis Duthie
Image Source : CdnCmd
Denis reached the hospital in a serious condition. After consuming vodka in a party to mark the 50th wedding anniversary of his parents, he was unable to see. On dissecting his stomach, the team of doctors discovered formaldehyde poisoning. This poisoning was result of methanol and the antidote was ethanol. The hospital had a very limited quantity of ethanol and they realized that this is the content of alcoholic beverages. They poured a bottle of ‘Johnnie Walker’ into his body. It took Denis five days to come back to his senses and he could see everything like before.
George was sad and depressed, he had left high school and quit his job. He suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder, which made normal life quite difficult to him. He decided to commit suicide and used a .22 caliber to shoot himself. The bullet from the gun hit the left front lobe of the 19 year old. Miraculously, not only he survived, his disorder was cured as well. A healthy George went back to school, found employment, and later reached college too.
Annabel Beam
Image Source : FoxNews
Annabel went head-first into a hollowed cotton wood tree, when the branch of the tree broke which she was climbing. According to her, she fell unconscious, reached heaven, and insisted Jesus to stay with him. Jesus refused and told her that he had plans for her on earth and she would returned healthy. Annabel survived and to everybody’s surprise her terrible disorders of the digestive system, antral hypomotility disorder and pseudo-obstruction motility disorder had vanished.
Jerry Douthett
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Jerry’s wife Rosie, a nurse had serious doubt about the infection on Jerry’s toe. She was suspicious that he had severe diabetes. One day they went to a bar where Jerry had a couple of drinks. Later at home, Rosie heard Jerry shouting for his toe, screaming that it was taken off.
Kiko, their terrier had bitten off Jerry’s toe, surprisingly only the infected part and the whole thing was not out of aggression. At the hospital, they came to know the infection was serious and amputated the remainder of the toe. Jerry was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and it was Kiko who actually saved his life.
All these people like us probably never believed that an accident could bring a pleasant change in their life. But as they say miracles do happen.]]>