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Understanding and coping up with Baby sleep cycles

Parents sometimes find it hard to understand that despite all the best possible practices followed by them; their toddler keeps them awake at night. This is a beautiful research area with unlimited and unending study as every baby is different. It may be noted that all the parenting acts can manage the quality of sleep but not the sleep cycle and we should not fiddle with this arrangement of nature.

First error seen in bed time parenting is non adherence to time protocol. Although this protocol is flexible in case of the infants but we need to understand and follow it with utmost care. Here the principal of early to bed and early to rise does not apply. Internal clocks of kids are powerful and do not follow set rules. It is seen in many cases that a kid who is permitted to stay awake late at night, will sleep in uneasiness and tiredness the next day.

Since babies cannot speak, hence they send signals in the form of yawning, cries, restlessness or more about their sleeping requirements. These signals need to be decoded by the parents and should be appropriately taken care of or fulfilled accordingly to help kid have a healthy sleep which helps him grow in a better way.

Babies get a good sleep on their familiar sleep zones. There are occasions when parents take kids out in a party or unavoidable social gatherings and the kid tends to sleep in stroller, car or while resting on parents’ shoulder. Sleeping in a new sleep zone does not give good sleep; hence this motion sleep should be avoided.

Baby is the equal responsibility of mother and father. So the mother-father ratio of involvement for upbringing the toddler should preferably be equal. At night, the time should be divided among parents for caring the child and it is seen that those kids whose mother and father involved equally nourish well in upbringing.

Baby is a precious and sensitive gift of God. Parents need to develop patience and switch to good habits like maintaining hygienic standards, no smoking, no alcohol consumption etc. If we observe the said practices, it will surely help child to have a good quality sleep as his mental and physical development takes place in sleeping phase only. It must be noted that collective approach of above mentioned suggestions should be used in dealing with sleeping habits of children.


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