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New hooks to prevent incidental catch of marine turtles

New hooks to prevent incidental catch of marine turtles

Thanks to new technology hooks, accidentally trapped turtles by fishing hooks can finally return to seas unscathed! This is indeed a good news for all wildlife enthusiasts and conservationists. Turtles are becoming endangered species all over the world and extensive fishing has been a threat to their survival. Often turtles end up as bycatch and standard ‘J’ fishing hooks prove fatal. New technology ‘O’ hooks will not put turtle population in danger and will not affect extensive fishing either.

According to a recent report by WWF and the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC), a small change from classic J hook to circular hooks and adequate training to release accidentally hooked turtles back to ocean can dramatically reduce the numbers of marine turtles affected by fishing. This could be best sustainable fishing practice in coming years.

Innovative technology for meeting sustainable goals of conservationists can help in saving our biodiversity on this planet.This could be one of the important sustainable ways to protect species which are getting affected by human activities.

But the fact remains that in the end, it is trained and sympathetic human hand which will unhook and help turtles return to seas!


Source: ENN

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