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Tips to reduce heat loss from old houses

<![CDATA[Energy loss in a house can occur either in summers or in winters. Heat escapes because of airflow in and out of the house. Old historic houses were mostly constructed using many techniques and materials that are different compared to the modern structures. Such houses have many defects that contribute to your high energy bills.

Locations of heat loss at your house

Many old homes have holes around the fenestrations (doors and windows), these holes are large enough to allow gusts of air into the house and needs to be sealed up. Heat loss mostly occurs at the point of air leakage around the doors and windows where there is poor insulation. Also, traditional windows have single panes which contributes further to heat loss.

Walls of the old house are mostly devoid of thick masonry or adobe walls that are commonly seen in modern structures. These walls are helpful as they absorb solar energy during the day and helps in keeping the interior cool.

Apart from windows, uninsulated attic also contributes to the depletion of heat from the houses.

Cramped crawlspaces and basements especially common in old houses contribute to the heat loss.


Ways to maximize your house energy

Some simple ways can help you to increase your old house performance to save the energy while still preserving its character:

Wearing and tearing of the weather strip creates drafts around them, allowing cold air to enter the room. Weather stripping around doors and windows after every few years can cut down on the drafts and helps in reducing the electricity bills. If the door is not in contact with its threshold, then again indoor heat is lost from that area. Adjusting the height of the threshold can minimize the heat loss.

Insulating the hot water pipes and heater and reducing the thermostat to 120° F, helps you to save 3-5% of the energy costs.

Air sealing and insulating the areas such as attic spaces, basements, crawl spaces, around water pipes, around heating, and cooling ducts provides greatest benefit with lower risk of damage.

A comprehensive assessment can be done by a professional auditor who helps you to know the leakage areas of your house and also guides you regarding the effective changes required to reduce its cost and energy.

Insulating the old house walls will not be a good option as adding insulation to the houses without proper understanding of its structures can lead to accumulation of moisture and unnecessary expenditure.

Summary – Doors and windows are important elements of the house and play crucial role in house functions and appearance. Old homes were built with environment- friendly features like thick walls, light reflecting finishes, operable windows and shutters. They just need to be modified to your comfort level and to save energy over time.]]>

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