Tips To Protect Your Children from Air Pollution At Home

Cigarette smoke and tobacco

Air pollution not only exists outside our homes but on the inside too. Sure, we know that smoke from vehicles, smog, black emission from industries, and toxins cause air pollution. But a small majority of us know the causes for pollution indoors.

Moreover, the air within our homes is multiple times impure than outside. This eventually takes a toll on the health of little kids and adults alike. Some of the major causes of indoor air pollution and relevant ways to protect your children from air pollution are listed below:

Keep pets away:

Now this doesn’t mean that you show your pet the door.  But if you have a dog or a cat or rabbit or any sort of furry pet, they are best kept away from your kids. For starters, try not to let them into your child’s bedroom. If your kid is little and vulnerable, it becomes even more important to keep pets out of their reach.

The fine hairs, saliva, and odour of animals are enough to contaminate the air around kids and have hazardous effects on infants. Also, many animals are carriers of infectious diseases and viruses. Yes, adults have an immune system strong enough to withstand this sort of contamination, but kids seldom can. So, let your pets roam around the rest of your house except your kid’s bedroom.

Install an air purifier:

air purifier

One cannot stress enough on the requirement of an air purifier within the home to protect your children from air pollution. Studies have shown that the air within the home is 2-5 times polluted than that outside. And if you don’t yet have a purifier, make sure your home is well ventilated. Expose your kid to fresh air regularly even if is just opening the window or taking a walk outside with your kid.

Having said that, installing an air purifier is the best option to maintain air quality since it keeps infection at bay by making sure the is you breathe is pure. This works wonders not just for the kids but for adults too, especially if you intend to have good effects on infants and asthma patients.

Use natural plants:

Spraying plantIt is a well-known fact that plants are natural air-filters. Not only do they absorb carbon dioxide from the air, but they also replenish the supply with fresh oxygen. If the expanse of your kid’s bedroom permits, get either of an aloe vera plant, neem, tulsi, bamboo palm, or spider plant right away! Placing natural plants at home is also a good way to encourage gardening as a hobby and also to protect your children from air pollution.

Pay attention to furniture:

Use only real wood furniture since it has less of pollutants in it. Your child is safer around furniture made of real wood than that of any other material. If possible, avoid using polishes and paints with strong odours. The same goes for wall paints and wallpapers to protect your children from air pollution.

Not mentioning, totally discard anything that flakes off or sheds itself, if you intend to keep your baby safe. If your kid is habitual to playing with stuffed toys, ensure that you wash them regularly, especially big life-sized soft toys. The same goes for bedding, couches, and mattresses. However, special care needs to be taken while cleaning the contents if the room.

Cleaning methods:

Cleaning methodsSpeaking of cleaning bedding and mattresses, never dust them violently to shake off the dirt and dust. This paves way for more air pollution within your home, only adding to the already strenuous condition. Even when cleaning the furniture, avoid dusting them to prevent the dust particles from flying into the air and have atrocious effects on infants.

Instead, wipe the surfaces of tables and shelves with a soft, wet cloth to gather all particles which can later be disposed off by washing away in the sink. Preferably, vacuum cleaners are a good option to consider. You can use non-toxic liquid stain removers too. It’d be better if they are organic with little to no odour in them, and are your best bet to keep your baby safe.

Cooking techniques:

Cooking techniquesGrilling and roasting are highly not recommended within the home. This only emits smoke and will make your child sicker. If possible, limit your cooking techniques to baking, boiling and using low flames. If you need to fry, do it on less heat.

In other words, implement basic cooking techniques that won’t contaminate the air in and around your home to protect your children from air pollution. If you really need to grill or roast, send the kids out before doing so. Once done, let in the fresh air from outside carry the smoke away.

Avoid burning within the home:

It irritates the nasal cavityMost families don’t prefer burning stuff within their homes. But if you do, then avoid it. Bring releases fumes and carbon monoxide that can be petty fatal for your kid. It irritates the nasal cavity and may also get in the way of your kid’s clear vision.

Both adults and kids can have their health going downhill if burning stuff inside the house is made a norm. Even when cooking, ensure that you avoid emitting smoke as much as possible, especially if your kids are indoors at the moment, to protect your children from air pollution.

Other tips to protect your children from air pollution indoors:

Cigarette smoke and tobacco

  • Wear face masks indoors when cleaning or cooking
  • Build a strong immunity using plenty of vitamin C and antioxidants in food items
  • Keep yourself and your kids well hydrated
  • Cigarette smoke and tobacco must never be let within the house to maintain air quality
  • Ventilation is important for every room of the house

Summing it up:

The most important aspect of driving away impurities from air indoors is to ventilate it enough. All you need to do is let in the fresh air and allow as much fresh oxygen as you can within. If there aren’t enough doors and windows and no cross ventilation, an air purifier will work just fine in such a situation to protect your children from air pollution!

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