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Things You Should Never Say to Your Toddler

Things You Should Never Say to Your Toddler

There are certain things that you should never say to your toddler! Neither would he/she realize what you mean by saying that, nor would he/she be able to understand what the hullabaloo is all about. So if you are thinking of becoming a great parent, here are some of those words that you should never say to your little one!

Stop Crying

Say this to your toddler and he/she would only end up crying more! And that would result in you shouting at him/her to stop crying, and him/her crying even more, and so on. Toddlers have only one way to express their emotions. Be it happiness, sadness, anger or fright; they cry out their little hearts. And berating them to stop crying would only give them the feeling that you don’t understand their emotions, and that emoting out like that is not acceptable. Rather, you can stand by them while they cry, speak to them gently and coax them to stop crying. This would definitely do the trick, and save you plenty of time and effort in the process.

Don’t Touch That

Say this to your toddler and the next thing you know, he/she would have run across the room to find out exactly what he/she is not supposed to touch, and why he/she is not supposed to touch it. While older kids would understand if you say knives and scissors can accidentally causes cuts, and electrical sockets can electrocute if handled with wet hands, younger kids would hardly understand these terms and reasons. So go for the ‘out of sight approach’ by hiding or keeping away any and every item your toddler can potentially reach. These include your books, DVDs glasses and your favorite coffee mug as well!

Hurry Up

Kids have their own unique alarm in their heads, and work according to the time it tells. So if your kid readily gets up to go to school one day, he/she may make a fuss about getting up the next day. And if you shout ‘hurry up’, he/she would probably delay things further, eventually pushing you to the point where you blast him/her for being so slow. And that’s when he/she would start feeling guilty for rushing you, and start crying. So find out other ways to make your kid hurry up when it comes to getting ready for school. For instance, you can ask to play a game to find out who eats first, or who gets dressed up first.

Go to your Dad/Mom

Your kid comes to you for something.  You ask him/her to go to her mom/dad for the same thing. And the more you say ‘Leave Me Alone’, the more he/she would think that you are getting disturbed and don’t want him/her to come to you. This in turn would make him/her stop approaching you or telling you things as he/she grows up. So make it a point to make your kid understand that you are busy at the moment and would help him/her as soon as you finish your work.

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