<![CDATA[Temporary floors are meant to be used for a short period only. Occasions when these floors come into use include church missions, scouts camp, music concerts, medical camps, military camps, and the like. Depending on the occasion, one has to choose the right temporary flooring. They come in a variety, like tiles, supa-Trac, plasto Rip, supamats, hexapro. For the perfect temporary floor covering, consider the following points.
It has to be waterproof Depending on the floor, you want a floor covering that is not affected by water under all conditions. Whether it’s humid or raining, waterproof flooring does well. Even in a covered area, a waterproof floor can better handle the spills and drops that come with a large gathering of people.
Portability Good temporary flooring is one that can easily be transferred or carried from one place to another with ease. It should be easy to maintain, clean and keep neat. This creates a good image of yourself/company/business or event.
Flame Retardant It should not easily catch and spread fire incase there is a fire outbreak. This will help save property and lives in case of a fire.
Slip resistant Depending on the occasion, a good temporary floor should be slip resistant especially if it’s a party and it’s being used as a dance floor. You do not want to embarrass your guests by letting them fall. Children too fall easily on slippery floors.
Impact Resistant It should not fracture easily with sudden impact caused by heavy objects being placed on it. In a music concert scenario, the temporary floor should not rupture easily when heavy music systems are placed on it. The amount of energy per volume that temporary floors can absorb before rupturing should be high. Floors used in stadiums, military camps, tents, display and dance floors save on cost if they are reusable because they are used every now and then.
Affordable It should not be too expensive for a one/few days use. It may be one-week scouts retreat, a two weeks church function or a three months military training. The cost should be commensurate with the function and the expected durability.
Summary Many of us have dreamt of perhaps covering up ugly rental home carpet with beautiful temporary flooring. It is very possible. Follow the above guidelines on what to consider before you choose temporary flooring.]]>