Things to consider before deciding to have a child

deciding to have a child

One of the biggest joys of a couple is the decision to have child. Bringing in the extra person into this world is however not a decision that can be made without giving it a good thought. There are many pros and cons attached with the want of having a child and as parents it is important to know about them. So here in this article we will tell you all about the things to have in mind before deciding to have a child. We hope it will be a good read and will clarify all doubts that you possibly have in your mind.

Changes as a couple if you are deciding to have a child:

getting pregnant

  1. Changing equations: Your relationship might have been like a whirlwind teenage romance before getting pregnant, but all that is about to change. With a lot of added responsibilities you will not be the same as a couple. However you must remember that this is your relationship developing into a more mature stage and you can still manage to find time for each other or care for the child together. So do not get disheartened.
  2. Mend the differences: If you are planning on becoming a parent, make sure that your relationship is stable enough. Mend your differences and plug the loopholes before you make such a big decision. This we suggest because if you have problems during pregnancy or after having the child, it is neither good for the baby or for the parents. Besides we believe that such a step forward must be taken when there is no element of doubt and there is enough stability to sustain the relationship for the long run.
  3. Make the workload sharing planned: You know about most of the responsibilities that will befall you once you have the child. So it is always a smart thing to do to plan out your responsibilities and who will take up what work for the baby. It is important to have this sorted out so that an ugly battle does not follow every time the baby cries at night, as to who should attend. Ensure the work is divided in an equal ratio.
  4. Plan the expenses: Clearly the expenses you had so far will take a sea change. There are tons of expenses from regular supplies of baby food to clothes and nappies and medical expenses. Before getting pregnant it would do you a world of good if you save and plan for these expenses so that there are no ugly surprises later on. 

Some things to know before deciding to have a child


  • A bigger space: Maybe so far you have lived in your dream one bedroom small and cozy apartment. But all that is about to change because a child needs a fair amount of space. The good thing to this is that the child will not be needing it in the first three years of his life and so you have a few more years to save and plan for a bigger house.
  • You can save too: We bet you never thought that could also save, while deciding to have a child. The savings can come in the form of some compromises on the luxury items for the baby. Getting a pair of shoes just because it is cute when the baby can’t even walk, buying fancy cribs and toys can be avoided and you can end up with decent savings.
  • Sleep won’t come easy:
    When the baby starts wailing at the middle of the night, (and it does so often) sleep will not be featuring very highly on your daily routine. Most parents end up having a distorted sleep routine with no fixed hours. So before deciding to have a child remember that you have long days of sleepless times ahead of you and there is no point complaining.
  • Prepare the elder sibling if you already have a baby: This is important information that is skipped by many while you search for what to know before getting pregnant. You may already have a child and it is a massive change for that child as well. So it is important that you talk to him or her throughout the process and prepare them for the coming sibling.
  • Work from home is not always lucrative: Many women choose to let their careers take a backseat after they have a baby. While many opt for the option of working from home it is not as hassle free as it sounds. Many a times your working hours will be disrupted by your babies and telling them off repeatedly would make you feel guilty. Give the idea of having a baby sitter some thought even if you will be working from home.
  • Worry less as development milestones are not universal: There will be a number of people to tell you that your baby is two years old and should have started walking by now, or that she is three years old and should have said her first words. While you can always seek medical advice to be sure, there is no real cause for worry as a slight delay can happen from person to person. There is no fixed rule about this.
  • There will never be enough pictures: Before deciding to have a child, you probably thought of taking a million photographs of every single moment and development in the baby’s life. Do not be disheartened however if these things do not materialize as they often don’t and not much can be done about that. You will always have some moments which only be a part of your memory and not a photo album. Trust us when we say, it will be more special in some ways. 

Final word

Becoming a parent comes with a lot of added responsibilities which one must be up for. Now that you are versed with what to know go ahead and make your decision. If the decision is to go ahead and get your bundle of joy do so with the fullest of responsibility. Truly, there is no greater joy on earth than your infant child holding on to you.

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