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Teen pregnancy: Ignorance is the major cause

Teen pregnancy

Accessibility of valuable information on the subject of pregnancy and female anatomy is significantly improved with the greater technological penetration. Despite various education campaigns in schools and various media, teenage pregnancy is still prevalent. A government research on teenage moms found that ignorance was the general cause of most of the teenage pregnancies. Not only hampering the lives of teen mothers, it can have dangerous social and cultural consequences for the society.

Research blames ‘ignorance’

Most of the pregnant teenagers, federal research reveals, neglected the possibility of pregnancy thinking that it was their first time or it was unlikely time of their menstrual cycle. Strangely, some even thought that they were sterile because they were able to evade pregnancy in their previous inter courses. Clearly, there is a complete lack of understanding of the risk involved and potential commitments required before indulging in the intimate act. There are hardly any explanations, especially when contraceptives are easily available and work hassle free without interfering with the pleasure.

Who is responsible?

Blaming anybody will not settle the issue. The study revealed that some girls do not use contraceptives because the boy did not want to. It is known that the boys are averse to condoms because of certain concerns. But girls’ decision to take pills would not make any difference to their experience as such. In many cases, girls even feel shy to shop and store birth control pills. They depend on boys to manage their preventive needs and sometimes making foolish decisions in which boys are equally wrong. Parents have a big role to play in ensuring that their teenager daughter has the privacy and freedom for a healthy relationship.

Can we ignore it?

The consequences for ignorance can be life long. Although, many pregnant teens go for abortion, it is a painful process both physically and mentally. For the ones who take the bold step to go ahead with motherhood at an immature age, it can be a challenging task. Society has a role to play to ward off the harm caused by teen pregnancy both in prevention and in post pregnancy cases. Parents need to impart lessons on healthy relationship to their teenagers, besides informing them about teenage biological changes. The male should feel more responsible in making seemingly innocuous decisions. He also has a big moral responsibility to look after the girl’s emotional needs. The local organisations should raise awareness about the use for contraceptives.

Looking ahead

Ignorance is certainly not bliss during a tender age without a secure future. Excitement of newly found secrets and desires should not be allowed to take precedence. Planning a family is one of the most important decision of a life time. Because of a single mistake, this decision can be forced without any other option. So, the next time you are in a mood for it, make sure that you’ve got pills by your bedside.

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