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Teaching your toddlers to share

Almost all kids have problems with sharing their things with friends or siblings. Every parent wants their kid to be nice to their friends and share a healthy relationship with them. They want their kid to socialize and mingle with other kids and share their goodies. This signifies a normal social behavior and an indication to parents that their kid has evolved from self-centered behavior to a moral behavior. He not only just thinks of himself but also people around which helps him make and keep friends.

Tips to teach your kid to share

1. Teach by example

The best way to teach your kid to share is not by lecturing him on the topic for hours instead just set an example of yourself. Lend him things that belong to you and ask him how he feels when somebody shares their things with him. This will make him realize how others feel when he shares his things.

2. Stress the value of sharing

Tell your kid how it feels to share a thing, let him realize how it feels when others share his/her things and how thankful they will be when this happens.

3. Expect your child to share

Explain to your kid that you expect him to share his things with his friends. If your kid is too possessive of sharing a toy which he likes the most, then do not put stress on him, he may over react, instead ask him to put that thing away before his friend arrives so that he does not have to share it. Tell him he cannot do this with every toy and does have to share the others, This way he will understand much better the importance of sharing.

4. Show how to share

Instead of repeatedly telling him that he has to share, you can show him practically how to do it. It is simple, just lie on the floor and play passing the ball with your kid. You start first, pass the ball to him, then tell him “its your turn now.” This is a practical way of teaching things.

5. Share only what belongs to you

This is one important thing to remember, always instruct your child to share things with his friends what belongs to him. If a friend wants to share a thing that is not your kid’s property, then advise him to take the permission of the person to whoever that thing belongs to and then shares it with his friend.

6. Use role reversal

If your kid still does not listen to you regarding the sharing principles, then ask to just for some time put himself in the other person’s shoes and genuinely feel how he would feel when somebody rejects sharing their things with him. Your kid will surely realize then.

7. Put away valuable equipment

To avoid potential conflicts between friends it is best to advise your kid to put away the things he does not want to share before his friend arrives.

8. Rotate family roles

One way to help kids understand the value of sharing is to provide the chance for role reversal among the family members. Advise him on taking turns to watch the television or night shows.

9. Start very young

Kids need to be taught things when they are young so that they listen to you. They become stubborn once they grow old and do not accept what you say at a later stage.

10. Set consequences

Even after your greatest efforts, your kid still continues to be stubborn and does not change his mind about sharing things, it’s time to set a natural consequence. Use the weapon that works, tell him if does not share he does not play.

So, these are some important rules to be followed to teach your kids to learn to share their things. Remember children are like wet cement whatever falls on them leaves an impression.

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