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Study proves that Britons waste too much energy


According to a Reader’s Digest study, Britain seems to be wasting a lot of energy. Britain’s ranking is worst when it comes to energy efficient nations. The world leader on climate change has an extremely poor ranking when it comes to energy efficiency. This has been a direct blow to the nation.

The following countries: Ireland, France and the US are way ahead of Britain when it comes to efficient use of energy. However, the US ranked at 23rd level. This was a survey done by an US economist Mathew Khan. I am positive that the Britons are hurt by the stats, but that’s just the cold hard truth. The fact that they can’t manage the energy has been revealed.

The most embarrassing was the carbon-footprint ranking. This will happen if people forget to switch off their lights that they don’t use, and keep their chargers on on their devices all the time. Even leaving a machine on standby consumes plenty of energy. According to stats, about 48% of Britons admit to using their personal vehicles for short journeys. About 65% shamefully admitted that they leave their chargers on once a week. Another 63% sheepishly claimed that they leave light switches on unnecessarily.

About 27% of Britons are happy to waste the energy. Due to all this there has been a rapid rise in Co2 emissions in the UK and the percentage is expected to grow over the next few years. I hope this survey brings the English to their senses.

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