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Steady nitrate-rise in Lake Superior making it unsafe for drinking

water samples of nitrate 9

It is a well known fact, especially for those whose livelihood is directly or indirectly linked, that it’s getting poisoned steadily for the past century! I am talking about the Lake Superior.

But, what has each responsible for it including the ones exploiting it and authorities protecting it done to save it? Disappointingly, apparently nothing!

And now, the nitrate levels in the Lake have risen to the level making it unsafe for drinking, researchers at the University of Minnesota warn in a study. The present nitrate levels are about 2.7 percent. Though, the concerned bodies claim that the complexity of the causes underlying this increase makes it difficult to predict when the water could become unhealthy, the trend has already raised concern.

It is a serious and considerable issue as Lake Superior contains 10 percent of the Earth’s supply of surface fresh water. And, this amount of fresh water lost may lead to a disruption in the life-supporting balance across the world.

True, you can debate that everyone of us are exposed to small, harmless amounts of nitrate from eating fruits and vegetables, but no apparent results can be seen! But, nitrate contamination of drinking water can expose people to harmful levels.

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