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Sort out differences with your child for a rewarding relationship

Sort out differences with your child

You may be having a disrespectful child who puts up an argument every time you try to make him/her understand but don’t declare a war against your own child. As a parent, you may feel that your kids are ungrateful or they do not respect you. It is however, no reason to say harsh things to them or to create warzone like situation at your house. Try a few simple tips when your kids drive you crazy:

Do to try to show them down all the time

Every time you lose you cool and say harsh things to your kids, you invite arguments. Try to maintain the dignity of a parent and do not come down to the level of your kids. You never really win against your own kids, as they are only your reflection at the end of the day. When you get into an argument or scream at them, you declare that you really have no control over them.

Don’t get into an argument

Whenever you get into an argument with your kids, they gain a sense of control and keep pulling the string. When you want your kids to do something for you, do not wait for them to reply, as the kids are good at starting an argument. The more you argue with your kids, the harder it is for you end the argument. You really do not seem to win an argument even if you get to say the last word. Don’t fall into the argument trap.

Set good examples

It is very important to set good examples if you really want your kids to learn good manners. Research says that kids of those parents who regard their own parents are always respectful to them. Giving an argument that it’s not a good habit to watch TV late at night hardly work unless you practice the habit. When your kids watch and observe you do the same things they can easily relate with you and adopt the same behavior pattern.

Let them learn by their experiences

Do not try to impose yourself on your kids. Let them make mistakes and learn from them. Kids are always curious to get new experiences. Unless their safety issue are concerned do not get involve in things that your kids try to explore. Keep yourself at a distance and let them face the consequences. Even if they make a mistake, they will get learning from it. Remember a lesson learnt hard ways is not easily forgotten.

Don’t disclose your difference with your spouse

It may be easier for them to understand when they grow up but for now do not disclose your difference with your spouse to them. Kids may take such thing in a negative manner especially when they are teenagers. They may adopt a defensive attitude or start behaving indifferently. Do not get engaged in an argument when kids are around as it may affect their state of mind negatively. Never try to resolve your personal issues in front of them.

Don’t keep success as the only option

It is important that you encourage your kids and motivate them to give their best but you must not pressurize them. Turn them into confident human beings who do not hesitate to accept their weaknesses and work on them. You cannot expect your kids to stay ahead of all in each field of life. Do not shout or yell at them when you tutor them.

Kids need their parents at each step of their lives. Keep yours at a distance to make sure they learn by from their own mistakes. Be there to encourage them and tell them that they can always come back to you, no matter what.

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