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Solar powered water fountain for a green future

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‘Bioneers 2008: Solar-Powered Water Fountain a Great DIY Project’

Here comes another solution for creating a future environment of hope. Boineer has come up with a solar powered water fountain. This cool water fountain is made up of some unexpected reclaimed materials. This solar powered eco-friendly water fountain provides a good place to sit and chat.

The concept is totally eco and user friendly. The basin is made up of a satellite dish which makes it a pleasant hanging out spot. The fountains are on the top, which looks more like lily pads. The moving water prevents the mosquitoes from making a nest of the fountain. Moreover, renewable energy means zero cords and zero fossil fuels. The basin is held in place by bundled straw.

The Solar power is the need of the hour. Therefore, eco lovers can take the concept as a DIY inspiration for their backyard projects, as the expenses involved are very low.

Via: Tree Hugger

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