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Simple yet Effective Home Decoration Tips/Ideas for Autumn

Effective Home Decoration Tips

The rains have almost stopped. You can feel the chill, but not quite. A warm scarf or a light sweater is all you need to step out and revel in this weather. Autumn or fall, whatever you call it, the wonderful season is here. You will definitely enjoy the outside weather, but what about the time you spend indoors. That has to be equally enjoyable. Therefore, we present to you some ideas you can use to spruce up your space this autumn!


Yes, the weather is delightful. However, we cannot ignore the fact that it is getting chilling by the day. Therefore, you need to make your space as warm and comforting as possible. And what could be better to adorn your place with candles! You can never have enough of them. Therefore, candles everywhere are what I call for, especially the scented ones. Woody, spicy scents will add to the warming effect.

Tip: If you have a fireplace, add dried orange peels to the pit. They are a great fire starter and the next time you light it up, your house will smell captivatingly.


Of course, the candles will provide some of the light. However, we are talking about the more enduring sources of light. In keeping with the warmth idea, warm CFLs or LED lights will make a positive difference to your home or office space. Use rustic light shades for a beautiful effect. You could even go one-step ahead and decorate a small section of your space with yellow/orange/red serial lights. The basic idea is to bring the tones of the sun inside, when it is dark outside. Just remember to keep it simple. We do not want it to look like a wedding hall.


With the fabrics, keep it classy and trendy. Earthy tones tend to do well in autumn. Use blankets, sheets and curtains in beige, whites, browns, grays and blacks. If you want a little bit more color, stick to darker tones of blue, green, purple, etc. Keep the prints minimal. The trick here is to balance the pep given out by the lights with dull fabrics. The materials for said fabrics go without saying; cotton, fleece, wool etc. Oh, and do not forget to roll out your antique carpets.

Tip: You could glam up your homes by using fabrics that have a touch of metallic in them.


We all have those beautiful pieces of wooden furniture or articles that we tend to cover up in order to avoid getting them dusty and what not. However, wood adds such beauty to our spaces and more so, during this particular season. So let all your wooden articles bask in the glory of autumn. If you are a little sparse on the wood, do not worry. Go out, collect the broken twigs and fallen branches, and use them to decorate your home or office spaces strategically.

Tip: Wind serial lights around long, broken branches for magic!


Add these autumn touches to your décor and step into the new season with an excitement for the passing year. While incorporating these ideas and tips to make your space autumn ready, do keep in mind what fits your décor.

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