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Shipping pollution kills 60,000 every year

pollution from ship
Pollution caused by ships is believed to be responsible for around 60,000 deaths every year according to a new study. A study conducted by James Corbett of the University of Delaware, Newark and colleagues linked soot emissions from the shipping industry to the number of premature deaths.

Ships release between 1.2 and 1.6 million tones of airborne particles each year from burning shipping fuel. The particles are less than 10 micrometers in diameter and include carbon, sulphur and nitrogen oxides. These micro particles are small enough to enter the blood eventually leading to lung or heart failure.

According to the study team, these particles would increase deaths worldwide by 40% by 2012. While we were so long concerned with the health hazards associated with land vehicles, it is now seen that pollution from water transports are no less deadly.

Source:new scientist
Image:ships register

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