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Several mountain gorillas shot dead in Congo


About eight mountain gorillas have been shot dead in the Virunga National Park of the Congo region. The killings are a major setback to the conservation efforts as well as scientific experiment. Wildlife lovers are deeply saddened by the incident.

Reports have confirmed the death of four gorillas so far although, people predict several others have been killed. Among the dead are some rare species of gorillas including one silverback male.

These animals were part of a 12 member group and subjects of a scientific study. The group altogether was known as the Rugendo family to the scientists. Researchers believe that this is an act of protest against the ongoing experiment.


These are some of the different perspectives shared by different peoples. Mark Rose of Flora and Fauna International said:

We are deeply concerned about this incident which follows more than 20 years of successful collaboration for mountain gorilla conservation

Dr.Kwame Korangten, regional rep of WWF Africa program office mentioned:

Just two months ago, we celebrated the increase of the gorilla population in neighboring Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.Seven gorillas killed in seven months is a horrifying statistic and a trend that cannot continue.


I think this is a very sad time and an extremely sad event. Corrupt officials and their greediness should be checked as soon as possible if we are to see these apes survive.

This is not an act of poachers. If it was poachers, they would have sliced the skin out for sale and used other parts. Instead, the animals are just left for dead.

As of now about 700 mountain gorillas remain. None of them are captive. In this particular region there’s about 380 mountain gorillas that are left. So clearly, this particular species is endangered.

The conservationist organizations like the WWF, International Gorilla Conservation program, along with Flora and Fauna International have expressed deep concern over this matter. Virunga mountains are closely related to Dian Fossey, whose book Gorillas in the mist became a Hollywood movie.

Image Credits: Esa, Peregrineadventures, Timesonline

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