Robert Bradford creates stunning sculptures from discarded playthings

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I just finished reading about Robert Bradford and his expert creativity on Daily Mail. He creates some sure masterworks out of trash; plastic refuse to be specific. Each of his creations comprise up to 3,000 discarded toys. He also utilizes wood, iron and cork in his creations. Though one could so easily relate them to a fatherly affection or a wish to do something inspirational for kids, a still broader picture depicts the concern toward environment as well.

Up for exhibition at Henley Festival from 8-12 July, he will display his lively representations while voicing the need for recycling more and more.

Recycled trash jumbles up inimitably:

In his studio at Cornwall, he started responding to the variety of colors and forms the toys presented. The plastic refuse provided the part-time psychotherapist with an inspiration to reinstate life into it. Since then, he has been making several sculptural masterpieces using toys of varied colors, shapes and textures.
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He started with the Alsatian Dog and constructed quite a few large-scale sculptures from plastic, cuddly toys and household objects like nail brushes and Brillo pads.

Among his greatest creations are ‘The Toy Soldier’ and ‘The Toy Angel’. Where ‘The Toy Soldier’ comes complete with an aircraft carrier plane, multiple pistols, walkie-talkies, Kalashnikov and a Barbie camera, ‘The Toy Angel’ is loaded with musical instruments. Here are some images of his unparalleled creative art:
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Inquiring, inspiring and intriguing as well:
In the end of it all, some obvious queries or hunches demand an answer: Do you really need to look beyond your home for creative inspiration? Can’t it be a place to jolt the green artist in you? If yes, why not start with the discarded domestic objects and lend some respectability to them.

And how about earning a living out of it? Mind you, he offers them with a hefty price tag reading £12,000 each.

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