Patient Experience: The Key To Stronger Relationships And Growth In Healthcare

Patient Experience

Imagine wanting to improve your health and wellness, get treatment for an existing condition, or receive treatment for a medical emergency. You find a local doctor or hospital and contact the facility to schedule an appointment, but you’re placed on hold for quite some time before speaking with someone. Upon your arrival, you visit the front desk and are handed a ton of paperwork to complete.

After waiting well past your appointment, you’re finally seen by a medical professional, but they ignore your concerns, take little time to talk, write you a prescription, and rush out of the room to their next patient. By the time your visit is over, you feel overlooked and confused and know little to nothing at all about your condition, treatment options, lifestyle changes, or how to improve your health.

A Common Patient Experience

Unfortunately, many people encounter this experience as a patient in doctor’s offices and medical facilities nationwide. They visit a doctor or hospital for medical care and are given less than satisfactory treatment. Consequently, these negative experiences taint their opinion about medical professionals, prompting them only to seek assistance if there’s an emergency. Eventually, the negative experience leads to a negative review of your practice, which reduces patient acquisition.

A Change For The Better

As the head of a medical practice or hospital, the last thing you want is to lose patients. The fewer people you have turning to you for treatment, the harder it becomes to keep your establishment running. The closure of medical practices is not only professionally defeating; it’s a disservice to the community. Ultimately, healthcare facilities must do more to enhance the patient experience. Below are some suggestions on how to accomplish this goal.

1. Manage, Analyse, and Apply Patient Data

Patient Data

When someone comes to your practice, they expect proper treatment, efficient service, and personalized interaction that leads to improved health and wellness. One way of ensuring this happens is by utilizing patient data to enhance their experience. Assess what you know about your patients on a broad and individual level using satisfaction surveys, online reviews, social media analytics, and even patient profiles.

A master data management system makes this easier to accomplish. Finally, work with department heads to make changes to existing practices. For instance, if patients are frustrated by the wait times, practical solutions might include hiring more doctors and nurse practitioners or streamlining administrative and clerical tasks. Hence, you have more time to dedicate to patients.

2. Update Your Medical Website

Most medical practices have an online presence. Before a person ever visits your office, they check out your website. The more efficient and user-friendly the site is, the more convenience it provides patients, which creates a positive experience. If your medical website simply has a list of services, an “about us” section, an office address, and hours, it’s time to consider some upgrades.

The more features and functions patients can access on your site; the easier things are for everyone when they come in for an appointment. Why not allow your patients to schedule appointments, request medical reports, view test results, and talk with a medical expert online? It reduces the pressure on front desk workers and gives patients instant access to services they need in real-time, 24/7.

3. Go Beyond Diagnosis and Treatment

Treatment of senior man

There was a time when patients hung onto every word a doctor said. Whatever form of treatment or medication the doctor recommended, the patient would oblige with the hopes of seeing improvement soon. The modern-day patient is more informed and curious. When they come to you for assistance, they want to feel included every step of the way.

Make time either during their appointment or during your follow-up calls to listen to your patients. Find out what their biggest concerns are and be open to questions or even apprehension about your recommendations. Answer the questions you can, provide them with resources to further advance their understanding, and be willing to offer alternative solutions when necessary. Doing these things helps to personalize the experience, build trust, and cultivate a stronger doctor-patient relationship.

The concepts of running a successful medical practice or hospital have changed throughout the years. If you desire to acquire and retain loyal patients, you have to prioritize their experience. Use suggestions like those provided above to restructure your medical practice to meet or exceed patient needs and see how much you flourish.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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