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Overcome becoming overprotective parents

Parents feel responsible for all that happens to their children. Parents are concerned about their child’s safety and make every attempt to protect them from dangers. While this is necessary, parents also need to be cautious about the dangers of being over protective. As there is a very thin line differentiating between the two it is difficult to understand what is appropriate.

However, it is important to know that being there for your children is all that is required rather than going out of your way to protect them from everything. While doing so, children brought up in an overprotective environment are often deprived of real life experiences. This may have adverse affects on their growth, personality and life as a whole.


Over protective parenting

Protection from dangers and being aware of child safety is an important aspect of parenting. As a baby grows, she slowly learns to turn sides, sit, crawl, stand and walk. All these are developmental milestones and they are successful met only when the baby gets an opportunity to do so. The baby might fall while attempting to stand; but that is the time when they know what not to do so as to stand or walk.

Parents need to be around them, make home environment in a way that avoids potentially dangerous injuries. But if the child is deprived of making attempts, the child will never learn. Parents, at times, tend to become overprotective due to fear.  But in reality they are also passing the same message and emotions to their children who in turn may tend to be fearful of new experiences. This can affect the child’s confidence that ends up having low self esteem, tend to become more dependable and eventually may also feel worthless.


Tips for parents

If parents feel a situation is srisky, it is ideal to warn the children prior to their activity and explain to them the safe way of doing things. Once they begin with it parents can be around to keep a watch.

  • Parents need to have an open mind and bear a more positive attitude.
  • Believe that life is a world full of learning experiences and let the child learn by doing things within safety limits.
  • Sometimes it is good to listen to your children, their ideas and wishes and then plan on a mutually agreed activity. This helps to build confidence in children and they learn to perform better.
  • It is not necessary to do everything yourself, instead children can be the best helpers when they get feeling that you need their help. This helps them learn to take up responsibilities.
  • Allow your children to decide on certain simple tasks or games that have to be followed by everyone. This gives them a feeling of leadership that can help them to grow as independent, confident and decisive individuals.

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