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Moms, it’s time you get your babies off the pacifiers

Pacifiers calm and soothe downs the baby when they are tired. Most of them leave this habit gradually as they grow up.The real problem arises when they get dependent on pacifiers. Parents need to be adamant while they try different methods to keep it off their child. Here we list down some ways to help moms get their babies off the pacifiers.

1. The Letter trick

It might be quite childish and seem unreal but it works for little babies. For this you need to create a letter. Use your child’s favorite cartoon character name and a letter on its behalf. It must say that they needed pacifiers for the baby animals at a zoo situated far away. Read it to your child. You then pack all the pacifiers and tell your child that you will mail all these to the baby animals. Now every time your child asks you about the pacifier, remind him that you have given it to the baby animals. Simple, he would start forgetting it gradually and sometime later he would quit forever.

2. The dog trick

This might remind you about your childhood when you asked for something and parents used to answer that birds took it away. Whenever the child ask for it, say the dog ate it. Again, if the kid asks about it in future then remind him that the dog chewed them all. Slowly and steadily he would forget.

3. Damage the pacifiers

This might sound strange but damaging the pacifiers can work for you. Cut the corners of the pacifiers. Thus, it will not make any noise when sucked. Even after lot of efforts if the child is unable to get the sound then they only declare them to be broken and throw them away.

4. Throw them away

You must stop getting the new ones, once you have decided that your child must stop using it. Once the kid leaves those pacifiers while laying in the backyard or lawn, throw them away. Whenever the child would demand about it, tell them that squirrels might have carried those pacifiers along them. The kid might not forget it instantly but gradually the process will begin.

5. Vacation time

When you see that no other trick has worked out for you towards the effort of getting rid of pacifiers then take the child to a family trip. Make sure you leave the pacifiers at home. With so many family members and friends around, the kid wouldn’t get much time to think about those pacifiers. He would gradually forget it and get into the habit of sleeping without them. Thus, further in time too he won’t ask for it.

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