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Miscarriages, jeopardizing following pregnancy

prevent miscarriage

If you had a miscarriage then probably you are passing through the most unfortunate phase in pregnancy. As many as 20% women suffer from miscarriage. Other than some of the prominent indications of the phenomenon, there are hardly any means to know if a woman is vulnerable to a miscarriage or not. There are several factors at play behind this occurrence such as pregnancy at a matured age, regular exposure to X-rays, obesity, alcoholism, anorexia, illness, drug abuse etc. On the other hand, a healthy woman can experience miscarriage though adhering to lots of security and safety measures throughout her maternity period. So, there is hardly any foolproof method to prevent miscarriage. Coping up with it is the only positive thing one can do.

How long should you wait before conceiving?

It is always great to get out of the trauma of a miscarriage and try for a second pregnancy. But the question that remains here is what should be the preferable and safe time gap that one should follow in order to be successful with the second pregnancy? In this context, the views of the Scottish researchers are especially remarkable. They comment that trying to conceive immediately after miscarriage is absolutely safe. According to these researchers, statistics show that those who attempted a pregnancy earlier in such cases have been more successful with their attempts. There are about 10% failure rates while 90% women successfully delivered living babies within six months of miscarriage. As the gap between miscarriage and second attempt for pregnancy increases this success rate keeps on decreasing gradually.

In this regard, factors like age of the expecting mother, socioeconomic conditions, medical conditions and addictions also need to be considered. WHO states that a woman should wait for a period of six months before attempting a second pregnancy after a miscarriage. They advocate that the body must get accustomed with the incident to be able to get prepared for pregnancy again. The latest medical reports however suggest that it is always better to attempt a second pregnancy within six months of miscarriage. This reduces the chances of complications related to child birth and ensures a safe motherhood. Moreover, women are more fertile immediately after a miscarriage and thus, getting pregnant is always much easier during this time.

How to gently alleviate grief?

1. The foremost important thing that you should do in order to alleviate grief is that plan for a second attempt without keeping on brooding about what had happened. Now that you are fully aware about attempting a pregnancy at the earliest after miscarriage, so go for it. Your mood will automatically get uplifted.

2. Get involved in some constructive work. If you are a house wife, devote more time in your household chores. Alternatively, you can start taking up some courses like interior decoration, cookery classes, etc. This will leave very less time for you to grief. In case you are a working woman, get back to work as soon as possible without sitting idle at home.

3. Socializing works like a miracle in this stage. The more you will stay back at home and make yourself ostracized from rest of the world, the more will the grief of miscarriage get over you. So, go out and mix with people. Make new friends, go for shopping, have yourself pampered at the salon or go for a short tour. You will feel better in the company of others. This will inculcate positive thinking in you.

4. Acupuncture therapy has shown positive results in alleviating the sorrow of a woman in the post miscarriage stage. This special technique is termed as Emotional Freedom Technique. This is a self help method that can be practiced at the privacy of your home. It calms the agitated mind, balances the body, resolves mental pain and initiates the flow of positive energy within the system.

5. Most of the women blame themselves for miscarriage and think that they are not worthy enough for being mother. This is nothing but foolishness. It is high time that you act like a matured lady. It is a simple medical condition that can happen to anybody. So, there is no need of thinking that you are a criminal or something like that. Instead, be positive and focus yourself for a second attempt.

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