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Man-made ecological imbalance ruined a civilization 3900 years ago!

Man-made ecological imbalance

It is generally perceived that human activities have caused ecological problems only in modern industrialized era. However, a recent study suggests one of the earliest known Western European civilizations might have dug up its own grave by manipulating the environment in their immediate vicinity!

There existed a Bronze Age Argaric society in south-eastern Spain which mysteriously vanished around 3600 years ago from all the archeological records. However, the area was populated by the same dwellers well over 600 years.

The civilization emerges around 4300 years ago in the mountains of eastern Andalucia, Spain. These people lived in small fortified towns and were among the first in Europe to adopt bronze workings.

Study of various pollen types preserved in sediments enabled the researchers to reconstruct what kind of vegetation covered the area in ancient times.It was revealed that slopes of Sierra de Baza were densely covered by decidious oaks and broad leaved trees till 4200 years ago. However, after Argaric civilization emerged significant amount of charcoal was found in pollen sequence.Presence of charcoal, as per researchers, indicate burning of vegetation. About 3900 years ago forest ecosystem gets totally replaced by fire prone Meditteranean scrub. About 300 years later Argaric civilization disappears!

What has astonished researchers is the pace of ecological transformation. Professor Jose Carrion says,

Change in landscape 3800-3900 years ago is insignificant. What is significant is evidence of burning, which in our opinion is man-made!

The degradation of soil must have lead to downfall of agriculture that was foundation rock of Argaric economy. This might have led to massive depopulation of the area.


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