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Regardless of what anyone might say, styling men and styling women are two opposite things that cannot be compared with anything else on this planet. Even though most might say that women have a better sense of fashion, this is the very fact that makes them easier to style. It’s a huger effort when it comes to picking the right clothes for a man on an occasion. Men generally tend to turn out on a more subtle and classy note rather than donning too many shades or cuts or eye attractors. So, in the case of a man, one has to get it exactly right otherwise the entire outfit might and will most definitely sink.

An important thing to keep in mind while selecting outfit is the environment in which the combination is going to be worn. No one wants to wear a tweed suit or a blazer on a day when it’s June in Nevada. In fact wearing the correct thing during a particularly warm summer is extremely problematic. On the one hand a person has to look classy and formal without inviting too much of a casual air to the occasion and on the other hand it has to be taken care that one does not form a puddle around a pair of shoes by the end of the day.


There exists a remarkable solution however. Linen suits are quite appropriate for men during the summer. First thing, linen suits can be worn with casual clothes like chinos or jeans without seeming mismatched. More so, the fusion lends a fresh take on the formal and casual mix to make one look extremely fashionable. One can also lend a personal touch to the entire ge up by adding a pair of vintage cuff links.


One however has t keep in mind the occasion for which one is wearing a semi casual linen suit. It would not be advisable to wear one to a formal meeting or an evening ceremony where there are dignitaries attending. A perfect occasion could be an outdoor June wedding at a boat house or a garden party thrown by some one in the neighborhood. One need not be too wary of sweating and having body odor as a linen suit breathes and is quite light so that one has the least amount of discomfort while going max on style.

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