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Knowing some useful home decoration strategies

useful home decoration strategies

<![CDATA[A house becomes a home with the people who live within, by their thoughts, ideas and reflections. The home décor is a reflection of the personalities of the people who live in it. Decorating a home is a deeply personal experience, though there are some general strategies for home décor you can follow.


Find the right fabric

Picking the right fabric is very essential, as rest of the décor of your house will be largely dependent on this. You can use different textures, colors and patterns that will blend with the house décor. Some fabrics look good but might not withstand sun, heat or dust, while others may require special care. You can blend different varieties of fabric such as cotton canvas, wool, satin and silk to add bold accents.


Art and Show Pieces

Paintings are aesthetically pleasing and speak a lot about the homeowner’s personality and their tastes. They can add life to a plain wall and be refreshing for anyone who glanced at it. As a rule of thumb hang paintings or photo frame at eye-level unless the ceiling is high. Photographs can also be intriguing and grab the attention of visitors. Don’t go overboard with your display by cluttering too many of your artifacts, they will look messy and the individuality of each artifact will be lost.


Clean and Flexible

Minimalist is fashionable and convenient. Too many rugs, furniture or artifacts and frames can be an encumbrance and stifle movement, and it brings in additional cleaning and maintenance. Modern appliances and furnishing can be used which are lightweight and can be rearranged easily when you want a change.


Let there be a flow

Let the style and design throughout the house be an extension of your personality. It can be jarring to have a modern décor for the living room and a classic Victorian décor immediately in the next room or the kitchen. Have a unified design through the house with variations in furnishing but not coloring.

Make it Meaningful

The décor of the house will be meaningful to its inhabitants and visitors only if they are personalized. Your tastes should be evident both within the house as well as outside it in the garden and walkway. Colors reflect moods and can even affect them, for instance, light colors are soothing while dark colors keep you alert.


You need not follow the home décor magazines to copy the latest styles, but refer to them for ideas and create original decors, which will be closer to your tastes.]]>

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