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Integration’ of major polluters: The only answer to climate change crises

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When it is a global issue – be it an epidemic, an endemic or a natural crisis — the key solution centers around funding, manpower and technological assistance. So, is also with global warming, the planet is ailing with.

To tackle the foreseen-devastating climate change, the rich nations need to shoulder most of the responsibilities, be it of their own preventive activities or assistance to their developing counterparts.

Cuing the commitments made under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its Kyoto Protocol, the developed countries have the specific responsibility to considerably reduce their greenhouse gas emission, in the first place.

But, unfortunately most of them either failed their deadlines or are least bothered to help heal the already ‘choky’ planet – pampering their way to short-lived comforts and easy-bucks, at the planet’s health cost.

It is the Pakistani Environment Minister Mukhdoom Faisal Hayat, who ppointed the responsibilities at the eyes of the developed countries at the General Assembly on behalf of the Group of 77 and China.

Agreeing on Hayat’s statement, China’s deputy UN ambassador Liu Zhenmin said,

Developed countries need to adopt policies that rise above short-sighted and narrow business interest, support early implementation of provisions of UNFCCC on transfer of technology and develop effective mechanisms for transfer of technology and cooperation.

Such talks at seminars will continue to kick up hot air, as has been for decades, but the goals can only be reached by an ‘integrated stand’ by major emitters to battle climate change to the core.


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