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What does it mean?

Style has been a word for which almost anyone in every culture, custom, country, tribe, religion, cult or sect will have a unique definition. But if analyzed, all of those definitions will have something in common. And even this commonality of the myriad definitions will have a different tune based on the same parameters. The essence however boils down to, having a personal signature that is very singular when compared to anyone in close or distant proximity.

Having a personalized signature is extremely important as in a competitive urban and corporate world where only a micro grade dissimilarity will result in making or breaking an idea, it shall set one apart from the crowd and possibly even make one the master of the crowd without imposition.

Why should there be one?

First of all it is important to know what it means by having a personal style. It is not only the way one dresses or behaves but more importantly the way one authorizes a decision or the way one decides upon a course or action and even the course of action one takes; al the while defending one’s train of thought against various other competent and less than competent ideas and ultimately prevailing.

Secondly, going further downstream, even if an idea is to prevail and even if an idea is to find its own niche and carve out a market for itself, just that much is never enough. The clients, the consumers must know the nature of the idea that has given rise to the object that makes their lives so much easier and better for it. If this is ensured then the clients will not hesitate further to go in a similar direction when they are faced with problems in other aspects of their lives. Here lies the opportunity for you to expand your market and diversify. This is assured by a personal style.

The way to go about it

It must also be advised to not have a set style but to remain flexible while at the same time never losing your own style to banality and mediocrity. There is no such thing as a perfect style as a single genre of style cannot cope and survive every crisis. So it is important to have a simple, unique and tough minded style that will guide you through any acid test the market or your competitors decide to throw at you. Underestimation is a strict no-no but confidence in your style especially during time of crises will see you through every tempest.

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