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How to teach disciplines to toddlers? – A mom’s guide

Do you want to be a great mom of a toddler? Teach disciplines to him or her in a funny way and pass up some of their worst behaviors easily. When it comes to modifying or solving the problem behaviors of a toddler, moms often find themselves clueless about how to go ahead. Well, it is absolutely true that there is no rule book which can guide you through this phase. You will also not get any fancy equipment that can make your task easy. All you can do is to follow a few fun game ideas, which will help your little one learn disciplines by bringing out loads of giggles. Here are a few tricks for you:

Your Toddler Does Not Listen to You

Come on, it is not at all a problem behavior. Rather, it is one of the most common moods shown by the little ones. You can teach them how to react in response of ‘no’ and ‘stop’ through music. Turn on the music first and start dancing together. After some time, turn the music off and stop all sorts of movements by saying “freeze”. It would soon become a ‘safe word’ for them and they will never try to ignore it as it is linked to a fun game.

Your Toddler Does Not Share Anything

Sharing or taking turns is something that kids hate the most. But you can certainly teach them how to take turns through a simple game. All members of your family need to sit in a circle with a not-so-important item, such a sock. Prior to starting the game, tell your kids that all of you are going to take turns one by one. Everybody should say ‘Thanks’ while getting and holding the sock. It would help them share an item more eagerly as they will understand that there is a second chance.

Your Toddler Explores and Messes Up

So, your toddler ransacks your drawer and cabinets and ends up giving you a headache. Yes, you practically can’t lock each and every drawer containing potentially messy items. So, just try to make them realize that all things are not meant for him or her. You can do this by saying “for you” or “not for you” when he or she approaches a particular drawer or cabinet. This will help the little ones know which things they can explore without getting discouraged.

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