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How to Keep Your Brain Young: 7 Effective Ways

How to Keep Your Brain Young

We used to think that staying fit and healthy is essential. But the reality is we’re only as young as our brains are. And our brain and mind can only stay young and alive when we adopt certain habits and make lifestyle changes. Learn how to keep your brain sharp with the help of a few tricks.

1. Sleep Well

The first thing the doctors probably tell you to do when you have health or mental issues is sleep well. Sleep cannot be overstated – it keeps our body young and the mind sharp. Doctors recommend that a good night’s sleep should take at least 7 hours for men and even more for women. Since women’s organisms depend on the hormones produced during sleep, they need at least 8-9 hours of sleep every night. It’s a bit different for men – since their hormones can be produced 24 hours a day, 7 hours of sleep is enough for them to stay balanced.

When we sleep, our brain repairs itself. Insomnia hurts the brain the most, depriving us of restoration. Luckily, there are special apps like the ones by Diversido that can help track and monitor your brain functioning to make sure everything is okay.

2. Learn Something New

Stability may be a good thing overall, but it could be more conducive to learning new things. It’s okay if you’re trying to master hitting a golf swing or making a new recipe. But in many areas, including professional, you must constantly learn and improve. And to do that, you must avoid the beaten path and step out of your comfort zone.

Uncertainty and instability cause stress. But they also stimulate areas of the brain responsible for learning, according to a new study. That is, unstable situations, though uncomfortable, are necessary to use the brain fully. That’s why we have to:

  • Learn something new, for example, a new language or playing a musical instrument.
  • Change your routine, even if it’s just a new lunch place. Your brain will instantly go into learning mode.
  • Start a new unknown project. It may fail in the end, but you’ll surely learn something new.
  • Look for strange, unfamiliar ideas. For example, watch arthouse films, talk to different people, and explore various cultures.

3. Go to the Gym

Physical exercises not only help you stay in shape but also affect your brain function. Physical activity increases the heart rate and actively rushes blood to the brain. And the more often and deeper a person breathes, the more oxygen enters the bloodstream. This promotes the formation of nerve cells in the brain, which are responsible for our memory and thinking.

Experts agree that regular physical activity helps to prevent brain cognitive decline and dementia. Studies have found that people who lead active lifestyles have lower metabolic and vascular risk factors, which allows the brain to age slower. That said, scientists cannot specifically identify the activity level optimal for preventing dementia. Still, regular gym visits provide better blood flow, improving brain and body functions.

4. Take Care of Your Diet

Combining physical activity with dieting or proper nutrition will guarantee even better results for brain health. Not all products we consume affect our bodies in the same way. Trans fats, industrial carbohydrates, flavorings, and preservatives can quickly fill you up, but they can cause severe damage to the organism.

And vice versa – the Mediterranean diet based on vegetables, fruits, nuts, and fish have the needed nutrients to heal and restore the body. Your brain thrives on glucose, omega-3, and omega-6 fatty acids, antioxidants, and B and E vitamins that all said products contain. Also, it loves cocoa and chocolate. Researchers found that they have a unique set of flavanols – plant antioxidants that improve the function of its small blood vessels. Their regular intake could benefit cognitive functioning, attention, brain processing speed, working memory, and vital thinking processes over time.

5. Make New Friends

Making new connections can benefit brains just as much as solving puzzles. Psychologists at the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research have asked participants in an experiment to meet a random person and have a brief 10-minute conversation.

The study showed that during this short conversation, a brief impulse occurred in the person’s head, similar to when solving puzzles, such as crosswords. During the experiment, participants showed improvements in memory, self-control, and the ability to suppress external and internal distractions. All of these indicators positively affected the successful completion of everyday tasks.

6. Watch Comedies and Stand-Ups

Laughter is a normal human reaction to humor, but it requires much effort from the body. It activates several areas of the brain at once: the motor cortex, responsible for voluntary movements, the frontal lobe, which helps understand jokes, and the limbic system, which regulates positive emotions. Researchers have found that the simultaneous operation of these areas strengthens neural connections and supports a healthy brain in better coordinating its activities.

In addition, laughter significantly reduces psychological stress. When a person laughs, the brain regulates the production of serotonin – the “happiness hormone.” This reduces the release of cortisol – the “stress hormone” that negatively affects the cardiovascular, metabolic, and immune systems. As a result, laughter is an antidote to stress and anxiety that weakens the body and increases vulnerability to disease.

7. Get Rid of Bad Habits

Aside from adapting some good habits, you must also eliminate the bad ones to strengthen and improve your brain functions. Alcohol and smoking harm the central nervous system. People become forgetful as their memory deteriorates, and they stop thinking logically. Aggression and irritation are the first sign that the addict vitally needs a new batch of tobacco and ethanol.

Because alcohol and cigarettes have toxic effects, long-term use leads to mental disorders like alcohol delirium. In addition, its impact on the mind may manifest as follows: the person becomes distracted, quickly gets tired, and increases anxiety. The ability to work and mental activity decrease. Sometimes, a person loses a sense of reality and returns to it only after smoking and drinking alcohol. Only after entirely ridding of such habits can the brain restore and return to its original state and functions.


Of course, some things, like genetics and age, cannot be changed. Our minds will get old sooner or later. But if we can truly dedicate ourselves to improving our brains, the results will follow quickly, and we will be able to enjoy youth for a few years more.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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