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Hotel Honecker takes off from trash to luxury

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The Soviet-built airplane, Ilyushin 18, used to carry former East German officials during the Cold War, but now it stands proud to receive high-profile clients. Transformed into a luxury hotel, dubbed Honecker, and decking the runway at Teuge Airport in Amsterdam, it welcomes the visitors with five-star courtesy. Don’t you worry; Ben Thijssen has made it spacious enough to accommodate 15 guests for a conference meeting. Moreover, a night stay will cost only €350 for a couple.

The recycled four-engine propeller plane touts a whirlpool and infrared sauna along with the luxury-essentials like a luxurious jacuzzi, a minibar, 3 flat-screen TVs, a Blu-ray player, free wireless internet and air conditioning. Despite its chic makeover, it’s down-to-earth literally. Doesn’t take off, I mean.

From glorious past to sultry interlude to luxurious present:
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Thijssen found the scrapped Ilyushin 18 in Saxony-Anhalt. A prior revamp had enabled its past owner to use it as a restaurant. But neglect and retirement joined forces to junk it still further. After Thijssen took it over for €25,000 (£21,551), he spent some €450,000 ($635,000) on the facelift. The original cockpit is still there, maybe symbolizing its glorious past.

This link lets you witness some fabulous remodels of aviation refuse.

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