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Getting your high schooler to eat healthy

Absence of a melange of nutritious diet and physical activities are working as a catalyst in decreasing the immunity of teen-aged children. The problem starts getting multiplied when kids, in their teens, get the proximity of Internet and other room confined activities. This bereft them from outdoor activities, and gradually they start complaining of lack of appetite and at times, even boredom from education. It affects the productivity of teens, that too when for them concentration on academics is an imperative task in their lives.

The change is lifestyle needs to be tackled with a routine diet regime complimented with regular outdoor activities for growing kids. More so, the habit of sitting together and eating with family members is also a vital tool to ensure a healthy growth for children.

The twin advantage of sitting together and having meal is that children not only remain in contacts of elders in family but also parents could keep an eye over eating habits of their children. For example, if a kid like junk food and spends his pocket money on it, the parents during the lunch or dinner time could easily identify the decline in appetite. It is so because a kid against his age eat less, the home cooked food, just due to the fact that he had consumed the fast food with his friends during the school time.

That results into simultaneous decline in vital nutrients that reaches and are required to body. For a proper mental and physical growth it is necessary for parents to ensure that their kids must have proper diet that too with home cooked food.

Also required on a must basis is regular intake of fruits and green leafy vegetables. What has been observed now a days that parents in nuclear families often avoid spending time in preparing nutritious meal in kitchen. This besides damaging the health of children encourages them to resort to ready to eat food culture, in vogue.

With certain adherence at home itself could ensure that children with proper diet could get not only a healthy life but also perform well in their academics.

Eat together to retain health

This is no denying the fact that eating together has several advantages. For proper overall development of a child, family dinner could do wonders. For example in presence parents, children fell themselves protected and share a lot about their daily activities with them. Amid health talks with nutritious home cooked, children master the art of socialising as well. It could also be a good learning platform where parents get a regular opportunity to observe and counsel their kids about the significance of balanced diet regime. Discussions on dinning table often provide parents with an option to read the mindset of their growing children. If has been observed that teen aged children shy away from there parents. But by regularly eating together children would be more expressing towards parents.

Physical activity, a must for teen-aged kids

In absence of regular physical activities, children don’t get ample chance to remain healthy. The hectic academic curriculum has worked no good for such state of affairs of growing kids. Playing regularly in open field not only increases the stamina of kids but also contributes in good development of the brain. The in-take of fresh air while playing and due to cardio-vascular activities, a child breaths fast. This not only strengthens the heart of the children but also results into increase in their apatite, a must for proper growth. By just spending one hour in open field doing some sort of physical activity, ensures a good body metabolism for kids. Thus with increased immunity level children could perform well and excel in their lives.

How to ensure a proper diet

A proper diet is a mixture of vitamins, nutrients, minerals, carbohydrates, fat and other essential nutrients required for proper growth of teen-aged children. Such essential ingredients are missing almost in every fast food, whatsoever, it is. Parents by simply adhering to basic course of diet could provide the ideal platform for their children growth. Like, cooking of pulses of all kinds is a must in children’s diet. To get rid of boredom with pulses, it could be changed with different types of pulses. Green leafy vegetables, milk , salads and fruits should be ensured in a day’s diet regime of growing children at home. Not in bulk, but by multiplying the diets into say six or seven times meal in a day promises for catering the requirement of all vital nutrients body wants at growing age. Refraining from deep-fried stuff could allow the moms to serving their kids a balanced diet.

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