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Healthy food alternatives

All of us keep looking at smarter substitutions to make life better. In the same way, food is not an exception. Healthier substitutions can stimulate your interest in the diets which may shape a good, balanced health for you and your kids. Adopting healthier food alternatives is essentially important to cater the needs of growing children. Have a look at these items which can be a healthy food alternatives .

1. Whole grains

Whole grain is a healthy food alternative. Besides starch, it is enriched with fiber, protein, a mixture of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients which assist in some of the vital functions of your body. They are also rich in fats which is helpful for body muscles. It greatly helps in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, chronic diseases and diabetes.

2. Honey

Honey is an excellent food alternative as it stimulates the taste buds and appetite of the kids. It also have antiseptic, antioxidant and amazing healing properties. It is used as a remedy for eye conjunctivitis. It is also used in cosmetics. It is also a well known natural remedy for countering cough. It also helps in improving sleeps for both kids and the adults.

3. Olive oil

Olive oil is a perfect substitute for baked goods which have enormous solid fats. Too much solid fats in the diet is linked with many diseases especially diseases of the heart, blood vessels and chronic disorders. Olive oil can be used as an alternative for baked goods as it has similar taste and aroma with null solid fats.

4. Houseplants

Indoor air can be as polluted and dirty as the outdoor air. This polluted air has link with many respiratory and other disorders. Plants at home can freshen the air, removing more than three quarters of the toxins from the house. Fresh air at home will eliminate many air borne diseases and will keep you fitter.

5. Flavored water

Flavored water is an immaculate alternative for beverages which are sources of excess sugar and calories, a major cause of variety of health problems including imbalanced blood cholesterol level, improper blood pressure, diabetes. Water flavored with lemon basil, ginger, cucumber, fruits is an healthy alternative for the whole family.

6. Fruits

Fruits are an excellent alternative for healthy food as they are rich source of calories. White starch starts converting into sugar before it leaves the mouth and is pure glucose by the time of absorption. They are also rich source of many essential micro and macro nutrients. They also contain plenty of anti-oxidants and are a great source of dietary fiber which helps in eliminating constipation and lowering blood cholesterol level. They also help in fighting against the problems of wrinkling of skin, memory loss and hair fall.

7. Tree leaves

Tree leaves are an healthy alternative. They play a vital role in improving mood, behavior, and attention. A walk at the outdoors infuses fresh energy and enhances vitamin D which apart from improving health of bone, also helps in reducing symptoms of asthma, eczema severity and diabetes.

8. Steak

Cattle’s steak is a healthy food alternative. They are raised without employing synthetic hormones, toxic pesticides, genetic modification, cloning, or antibiotics. Thus the meat can have up to four times the healthy omega-3 fats which plays a vital role in muscle building. Steak is also a rich source of vitamin B and B 12 which converts homocysteine into harmless molecules and reduces the chances of colon cancer. Four ounces of steak can supply almost three quarters of a person’s daily requirement for protein.

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