Halloween is one occasion that people all over the world wait anxiously for. It is kids favorite and they like to party like there is no tomorrow on the Halloween eve. To make the party all the more interesting and happening, party games are a must. They pep things up and kids feel more enthusiastic as they entail equal participation and no one feels left out. Following few games can be considered for much awaited Halloween party.
1. Pumpkin pass along
To keep up with the spirit of Halloween, it is in fact a good idea to include a miniature pumpkin in the game. Orange colored balls, about the size of a grapefruit can be decorated like jack-o-lanterns. The game would be pretty much like passing the parcel, but with a twist. All players should be divided into teams. To begin the game, “jack-o-lantern” should be placed under the chin of the first player. He or she would then pass it on to the next player in the line without using the hands. The first team that would pass the pumpkin all the way wins the contest. A slight variation can be made here. Alternatively players can pass on the “jack-o-lantern” using hands but from behind the back.
2. Mummy wrap relay
This one can get a little messy, but kids love doing this. Divide all the players into 3-4 groups depending on the total available candidates. Now within each group, elect one “Mummy” through mutual consent or voting system or chits/lucky draw system. Rest all players are the “wrappers”. Now all the wrappers have to wrap up their respective mummy using the tissue roll. The team that finishes first wins the match.
3. Fortune wheel
This is a pretty common game in all parties. But this can be done with a variation. Instead of playing it individually, players can be divided into small groups of about 3-4 players per group. Each member of the group gets to rotate the wheel and his or her number, as it appears when the wheel stops moving, is noted down. The points from all members of the same group are added up to get a grand total. The team with the highest grand total wins.
4. Rice and safety pins
Put some safety pins in a big bowl of uncooked rice. Now each individually is blindfolded one by one and is made to pick up safety pins put of the bowl. The timer is set to half a minute or one minute. The one who is able to pick out maximum number of safety pins without spilling rice all over is declared the winner. Make sure safety pins that are added are not open, lest someone gets hurt.
5. Quick recall
This is a tried and tested one and always works. Arrange a number of theme related items on a big tray. Show the tray to the guests for just a few seconds. Players can be asked to write down all the items that they recollect seeing at any point of time during the party. Alternatively they can be shown the tray again with a couple of missing items this time. Guests are supposed to recollect the missing things. Whosoever gets it right gets the prize.
6. Halloween treasure hunt
Kids especially like this because of an element of suspense. Prepare a plastic pumpkin or an actual pumpkin that has been hollowed and stuff the same with a lot of goodies and prizes. Hide this treasure pumpkin somewhere cleverly. Now place mini pumpkins randomly all over the place, containing cues pinned to them to reach the treasure pumpkin. Whosoever gets to the bigger pumpkin first is entitled to keep the treasure.
7. Catch the doughnut party game
Mini-doughnuts can be hung from the ceiling with the help of a string. Kids have to jump up and get to the doughnut. They are not allowed to use their hands. The one that is first to eat the doughnut is declared a winner.
8. Haunted Halloween touchy feely box
Take a cardboard box and cut a hole right in the centre. The cut should be enough to accommodate a single hand and nothing should be visible outside of it. Fill the box with alternative items each time like olives, popcorns, wheat, noodles, slimy things, cloth, paper, tissues etc. The “Game Master” can announce “a mad scientist left his experiment in the box” prior to everyone’s turn to make it a little dramatic. Players will one by one put their hand inside the box through the hole and guess what thing is inside by feeling it. Everyone who gets it right is worthy of some little token prize like a candy or something.
9. How many words?
For older kids, a bigger word like “Scarecrow” or “Halloween” can be selected. Everyone then has to form as many smaller words using the alphabets from the bigger word as they possibly can. The one who gets the maximum number of meaningful words gets the prize.