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Green DIY: Paul McCartney is still alive in Heather!

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Well, if you believe people at Daily Mail, you will be surprised to know that Sir Paul McCartney still has his influence over Heather Mills. Though they departed nearly two years back in 2007, it seems that she is still following Paul’s legacy. “Determined to change people’s perception of vegan food” Heather plans to open her vegan café V-Bites in Brighton. Moreover, she’s reported as putting manual labor to paint and scrub her café’s newly whitewashed walls.

heather mills
The animal rights campaigner and a strict vegetarian, Heather got ample support from her friends during the renovation last Saturday. She actually wrestled with pots of paint, brushes and rollers. Her past record of animal activism and the present desire to turn people veggie is certainly beyond questions and so, she warrants appreciation for that.

Image Credit: WENN.com

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