Go green with green themed tattoos!

nitrogen cycle 1
Since you won’t ever allow a worthless memo to stick to your person, getting something tattooed on your body, permanently or temporarily, speaks a lot about your gut feelings for sure. So, if one gets inked with a green shape, it definitely reflects his or her eco-sense.

Here, we’re providing you with a full index of some really green tattoos:

Bike Tattoo for green commuters:
bike tattoo

Windmill Tattoo:
wind turbine tattoo

Vegan Tattoo for strict vegetarians:
vegan tattoo

Recycle, reduce and reuse:
recycle tattoo

Vegetarian by pulse:

Vegetarian 2:
vegetarian 2

Green Iguana, scary yet green:
green iguana

Electrically green tattoo asks you to save electricity:
save electricity tattoo

Scientifically green, explains the nitrogen cycle:
nitrogen cycle

Fascinating green tattoo:
green tattoo

Flaunting green vegetation:

Growing green:
tree tattoo

Green peace:
peace tattoo

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