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Global warming to give Mediterranean ‘more deadly’ hot days this century: Study

Global warming to give Mediterranean 'more deadly' hot days

The 2003 summer — from June to August – in the Mediterranean region is still a nightmare for many, whose dear ones were lost to Europe’s hottest heat wave ever recorded. Many, not still being recovered from the burns of the nature’s fury that killed as many as 15,000 people in France alone, have to get ready for yet another such nature’s wrath.

The 2003 heat wave killed over 19,000 people across Europe. It is sure to send a sensation down the spine to know that such a deadly heat wave-event may become the norm for this century!

But, a bit of it, if not all, is still in our hands – yes, it can be curbed if the current trends in greenhouse emissions can be decelerated, according to researchers.

The Mediterranean region including parts of Europe, Africa and the Middle East could get the burn of the dangerously hot days, with temperatures increasing by 200 percent to 500 percent! The fear is for France, with the biggest rise in extreme high temperature days here.

The statistics are devastating in themselves. This is revealed by a study in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

The solution…?

The key the solution is to slow down global warming – yes, cutting greenhouse gas emissions could help the countries form the dangerously hot days, which may be as much as 50 percent less intense!

This is analyzed by the authors in their of climate simulations, which extend to the year 2099.

So, you have to decide whether to lead a global warming-triggering life style or squeeze your ‘carbon footprints’ to the minimum by consciously doing your bit to cut down carbon dioxide emissions.


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