Are you game to visit the seven messiest festivals of the world

<![CDATA[Some of the festivals demand you to get all dirty and the thing that makes it crazier is that people love to get involved. Spain, no doubt, is one such country that is the origin land of so many strange customs and traditions to the world but there are some other places where getting messy is all it takes.

Tomatino Festival

It all started from a small incidence when some locals started throwing mushy tomatoes on each other for fun. Since then Tamotino festival takes place every August. If you are one of those adventure lovers who are always prepared to buckle up their shoelaces, Spanish village of Bunol is the place to go. The rules are simple; you just squeeze the tomatoes a little and throw them. Every year almost 40,000 people take part in it making it a huge event. (Image)

Boryeong Mud Festival

  Cool yourself down in hot summer in Boryeong Mud festival in South Korea. The festival originally started in 1998 to endorse the cosmetics that were made using the mud from the Beryeong mud flats. Boryeong festival has started attracting visitors who could not resist the charm. To celebrate the festival they collect the mud from the Beryeong mud flats to Daecheon beach area, which is the centre place for the festival. To attract more tourists they have a mud pool, mudslides and mud skiing competitions also. (Image)

Holi, India

  Hindus in India celebrate Holi in the month of March every year. They throw colored powder on each other, making it quite a colorful festival. People from Western countries have started taking interest in the festival and do not hesitate to get colored on the occasion of Holi. (Image)

Battle of the Oranges, Italy

There are oranges spread all over the small city of Ivrea, Italy where the battle of oranges takes place. The story behind it is that an Ivrean girl killed a city tyrant who tried to violate her on the day of her marriage. The whole town started celebrated since then. People of the town divide themselves in nine teams and start throwing oranges on each other to celebrate. (Image)

Els Enfarinats

  Els Enfarinats takes place on 28th December every year in the town of Lbi in Alicante, Spain. This is the ultimate battle of flour, eggs and firecrackers. A group of married men called Els Enfarinats and another group called La Opsicio get engaged in a fight that involve flour bombs. By taking control of the village for one day, Els Enfarinats try to execute their ridiculous laws and their opponent group La Oposicio struggles to reinstate the old law again. (Image)

Michigan Annual Mud day

  The dream of all the kids comes true as their mums themselves get them ready for the big day. The organizers motivate the participant kids to use their imaginations and use mud creatively. The event even gets them to be a king and a queen. (Image)

The festival of Cascamorras

  Every year on 6th September natives of Baza color their whole bodies in black paint trying to save the statue of Virgin Mary from the neighboring town Cascamorra who try stealing it. The struggle to keep the statue gets almost everyone crazy all around. (Image)]]>

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