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First satellite imaging used to reveal ‘urban growth — changing rainfall patterns’ links

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It is a well established fact that city growths do interfere with weather or rather climate of a region. Rapid urbanization has already led many countries with considerable change in their characteristic weather patterns, so is with ‘rainfall’.

The change in rainfall patterns, in turn, also can play a vital role in saving a region’s wetlands. With the climate across the world changing raising worries among the scientific fraternity, scientists have resorted to the latest technology for the first time to demonstrate a link between rapid city-growth and rainfall patterns — satellite imaging.

The use of these satellite images will also help the scientists assess compliance with an international treaty to protect wetlands. Co-author of the study, Karen Seto said,

The exciting thing is really for the first time, using a time series of satellite images, we can monitor Earth in a way that we haven’t been able to.

It’s not just about urban growth or wetlands-it could be about desertification or deforestation-but it’s really just this issue of human modification of the Earth.

With the humans harping right at the nature, modifying the earth, to make their ends meet, the need for such elaborate studies is growing importance.

Spotting the prevailing reasons behind a region’s changing climate can not just significantly help improve its habitat’s health, but also find what is causing the drought-causing dry spells across the world.


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