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Exceeding numbers of dead Seals in Caspian Sea

Animals are paying price for unnatural human activities that result in global warming. And Seals are the latest victims of unnatural weather change causing their death.
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Kazakh officials have blamed the deaths of more than 800 seals off its Caspian Sea coastline on an abnormally warm winter and the early melting of sea ice. A statement published on their website tells that the total number of dead seals by late Monday was 819, including 639 adults and 180 pups. Most of them were found dead in Caspian Sea in April in the sea’s north-eastern Mangistauskaya region near the Kalamkas oil field. The early ice melt disrupted the birthing season. This problem also arouse in 2000, when approximately 20,000 seals had died. The Caspian Environment Programme (CEP), an international body, is set up to protect the oil-rich inland sea. The Seal is the only mammal in the Caspian Sea.

Many seal pups died when the ice collapsed, while subsequent overcrowding during the birthing season provoked epidemics killing many more seals.


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