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Earthquakes strike East Africa; predictions for more

epicentre of earthquake africa

A strong earthquake hit east Africa few hours ago followed by another big one, even as Saturday saw a 5.2 magnitude tremor rock the African nation.

Kenya and Tanzania are particularly vulnerable to the earth fury because of their seismic location on the Great Rift Valley zone. The Rift valley divides Africa into 2 parts, western part moves westwards and eastern moves northeastwards. Because of this divergence of plates, the region faces earthquakes, which can be fatal at times. Due to such a location, according to the plate tectonic theory, Africa will one day hit the Eurasian plate from one side, while the other will strike with Indian-Austral plate and southern part will merge with Antarctic plate, all forces crumbling under pressure from all sides.

african rift valley

While due to the Mid-Atlantic ridge on its western side diverging from its eastern side, the recipe of a possible disaster is getting ready in Africa. The signs of which are already showing in the continent, hit by 3 earthquakes in 2 days. With Tanzania and Kenya coming under severe tremors, recording earthquakes of the magnitude of over 5, which can be certainly disastrous many a times.

Or should I say it is time for earth to hit back in the form of hurricanes, storms, volcanoes, and earthquakes with almost all parts of the globe facing such fury? Time to ponder!



Via: Reuters

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